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AsoY, CSR/CCR and business development with an extrordinary and research-based business tool

Writer's picture: Gitte Maria Lønstrup Dal SantoGitte Maria Lønstrup Dal Santo

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

Corporate Social & Cultural Responsibility – the range of specific focus areas is enormous. But whether you invest in diversity or in tasteful artistic furnishing of your offices, canteen, meeting or board rooms, join a museum's business club or provide annual museum passes for your employees, the indisputable fact is that:

Art is not just for decoration or leisure.

Used strategically, it's an extraodinary business tool for leadership and organisational development.

And that is how it's used in and by means of AsoY.

AsoY is an easily accessible, practical and unique app-solution which capitalises on the full potential of the art-based initiatives that the individual company or organisation has already taken or is considering investing in – be it memberships, buying or renting works of art.

AsoY unfolds this potential by creating synergy between the art-based initiatives and the company's or organisation's strategic focus areas such as customer relations, communication, company culture, personal leadership, well-being and stress-reducing furnishing of offices and home offices, to ensure greater effect, output and impact of that specific CSR/CCR strategy.

AsoY's app-solution is a “neuro-intelligent” tool that makes the most of the way in which pictures and works of art affect the brain, the nervous system and the hormonal balance.

The reason it works and the reason for it working so efficiently, not least with respect to CSR/CCR is that art and aesthetic experiences:

  1. automatically guide us behind our rational thoughts, to work deeply with personal resources and see ourselves and others from new and different perspectives, because they stimulate mirror neurons in the brain and breaks through cognitive barriers.

  2. reduce stress automatically: when you look at works of art you like, research shows that lowers cortisol levels in the blood are immediately reduced while feel-good hormones like serotonin are boosted. Read more here.

The app consists of 5 steps with clear instructions and coaching questions that guide each user to deep insights into personal resources, answers, options and solutions that may be used here and now. And they don't need to know anything about art to feel this effect and benefit from the tool!

Moreover, two neuro-intelligent features – visual nudging & tracking – make it easy for users to implement the insights they get, follow their personal results, development and mental health over time and re-connect with the resources and resourceful mental states, they have mapped in the app in < 10 sec.

AsoY supports companies and organisations in implementing and executing an innovative and long-term sustainable CSR/CCR strategy with an efficient and concrete tool, the effect and impact of which may be measured on the triple bottom line in the shape of:

  • a strength-based company culture, based on individual personal resources

  • increased well-being and productivity

  • reduced sick-leave due to stress with a research-based tool for automatic stress-reduction

  • innovative ways of handling the so-called "new ways of working"

  • closer relations and better communication internally and with customers and stakeholders as the app trains a simple, systematic and ultra-personal way of using artistic decor constructively – not just as coincidental “ice-breakers”, but as strategic “conversation starters” and "conversation pieces".

Regardless of the specific focus area of the individual organisation, the method, process and tool is the same.

AsoY offers on-boarding workshops, where leaders, employees and internal HR consultants get a personal introduction to the method and the app-solution. During this introduction they work with a theme or a concrete challenge that is relevant to them and to the organisation's strategic focus areas and business development.

Of the >200 leaders, who have been introduced to the app in 2021, > 90% say that they have experienced AsoY as a surprisingly efficient, inspiring and concrete way of working with personal leadership, teambuilding, communication and relation building.


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Gitte Maria Lønstrup Dal Santo

Founder AsoY, PhD & Master Coach

+45 4061 8997

CVR 38911805


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